Nuggets and Aphorisms

Food for thought. These first appeared in Amit Varma's blog, India Uncut

Thursday, May 26, 2005

From crime to culture

If only one person in the world held down a terrified, struggling, screaming little girl, cut off her genitals with a septic blade, and sewed her back up, leaving only a tiny hole for urine and menstrual flow, the only question would be how severely that person should be punished, and whether the death penalty would be a sufficiently severe sanction. But when millions of people do this, instead of the enormity being magnified millions-fold, suddenly it becomes ‘culture’, and thereby magically becomes less, rather than more, horrible, and is even defended by some Western ‘moral thinkers’, including feminists.
Donald Symons, writing about moral relativism. Quoted in The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker.
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